This Cuenca Ecuador development land for sale is Located just behind the Tres Puentes area of Solano, this riverfront lot offers great views and accessibility at a discount price.
The access roads to the property are paved and empty onto two major throughways of Cuenca – the newly asphalted Avenida Primero de Mayo and Avenida Solano.
The nature surrounding the property combined with the sound of the river makes this property an oasis of tranquility in midst of the city.
The property includes a 2,691 ft2 (250 m2) home that sits at the top of the property overlooking the river. Although uninhabitable in its current condition, it could be part of an interesting renovation project.
Interested in stating from scratch instead? The gently sloping character of the land makes this an ideal site for a terrace style apartment building that would have amazing views of the City.
Land in this area can go for up to $500/m2. In an effort to price the property to sell the owner is asking just $330/m2.
Due a national zoning law, owners of properties are not allow to build within 30 meters measured from the center of a river. As a result only 18298,65 ft2 (1700m2) of the 32291,73 ft2 (3000 m2) lot is considered in the price even though the buyer will have use of the whole property.
The existing house was not factored into the price of the property at all making this property an incredible value.
Unique properties like this don’t stay on the market for long in a city like Cuenca, call today to schedule a viewing.