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Top Reasons to Retire Abroad

You’ve worked hard to earn your retirement.  Now what do you do with yourself?  During your days in the office, if you ever dreamt of living within walking distance to the beach or traveling to exotic new locations without breaking the bank, then retiring abroad might be right up your alley.

And you’re not alone in these thoughts; thousands of retirees are making their dreams a reality by moving abroad for their retirement.  While everyone has slightly different motives for retiring overseas, there are many common denominators between them.

  • Cost of Living:  It always boils down to money.  Since you’re probably living on a budget during your retirement, you’ll want to get the most bang for your buck.  Places like Southeast Asia and Central America are popular locations for those looking to stretch their money.  Just think, living in a country with a lower cost of living will allow you luxuries like regular spa visits, a maid, and an ocean view often for less than the average rent or mortgage payment in the United States or the United Kingdom.
  • Affordable Health Care:  Sick of paying outrageous prices for insurance?  Medical tourism and residency programs are becoming more and more accommodating abroad for retirees. With residency, you can be eligible for much cheaper health care and insurance.  Although not a guarantee, the quality of care is usually similar to that of your home country without the astronomical bill to have as a souvenir.
  • Ideal Climates:  Needing to find work can force people into locations and weather they’d rather only see on the news.  As a retiree, you no longer have these restraints.  Despite whether you prefer cool mountain breezes or pristine beaches, retiring abroad can allow you to find the perfect temperature year-around.
  • Slowing Down:  Looking for a change of pace?  Many of the top retirement locations abroad operate at a much more relaxed speed of life.  Go ahead and stop to smell the roses.
  • Adventure Time:  If you’ve made it to retirement in one piece, then you’re probably a fairly responsible person.  After playing it safe for so long, retiring abroad can be an exciting and reinventing time in your life.  For instance, you’ll have the opportunity to learn a new language, meet others from all over the world, and immerse yourself in a new culture.

The proposition of retiring abroad can be a smart decision financially, as well as a welcome change of scenery.  Your Golden Years are the perfect time to find your little piece of heaven – whatever that may be – so get ready to start living now with an overseas retirement in paradise.


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