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Tag: personal relationships

Lien: The Concept of “Face” in Chinese Culture

The Chinese aversion to self-assertion is well-illustrated by the concept of Lien, or “Face”. Lien refers to the many...

Lien: The Concept of “Face” in Chinese Culture, Part 2

It’s difficult for an American to understand the Chinese concept of Face because we really have no equivalent in...

Assimilating in Peru, Plus Quick Tips for New Arrivals

Okay, so you want to move to Peru. You may have a job waiting for you here, you may...

Living in the Dominican Republic: The First Six Months – Part 4

If you are a developer, really understand and know construction, are fluent in Spanish (or have a trusted colleague...

In Their Own Words: Expats Living in Bali – Part 2

"What about visas?" I ask him. "There are a number of different visas," he says.  "Some require you to...