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Pacific Islands
Siargao, Philippines – Paradise Found
EA Editors
Siargao, Philippines – Paradise Found This is the fourth and final installment in Tanja's “Quest for an Island Paradise” series. Click...
Boracay Unplugged
EA Editors
This is the third article in Tanja's four-part series entitled "The Quest for an Island Paradise." The first two articles were Buying Sea Shells...
Boracay Unplugged – Part 2
EA Editors
In Part 1 of this article, Tanja shared the many reasons to fall in love with Boracay, profiled four...
Philippines: Bank Robbers and Hunter Girls in Puerto Galera – Part 2
EA Editors
Philippines: Bank Robbers and Hunter Girls in Puerto Galera - Part 2 When you putter around the tropics, the days...
Philippines: Bank Robbers and Hunter Girls in Puerto Galera
EA Editors
There are plenty of us out there. A transnational tribe of kindred spirits compelled to collect new memories, experience...
Buying Sea Shells on the Philippine Sea Shore
EA Editors
This is the first article in a four-part series, "Living on a Philippine Island" by Tanja Bulatovic. “What the hell...
Buying Sea Shells on the Philippine Sea Shore, Part 2
EA Editors
Continued from Part 1 of "Buying Sea Shells on the Philippine Sea Shore," the first article in a four-part series,...
Planning the Perfect Trip to the Philippines
EA Editors
There are 7,109 islands in the Philippines, some quite large, while others are the size of a small Buick. Most...
The Practicalities of Moving to Bali
Don Halbert
Some expatriates consider it paradise and, as they might say, thank the gods every day for their good fortune...
Reading Just One Document Convinced Me to Move to the Island of Tonga!
Don Halbert
I had said words like these many times before: “I want out this country, I may love American citizens,...
Living in the Marshall Islands: An EscapeArtist Quick Take
Blake Herrin
Living in the Marshall Islands Getting There and Getting Around You will arrive at the Amata Kabua International Airport at the...
Living in Asia and the Pacific Islands
Blake Herrin
Geographically speaking, the Asia Pacific region covers an enormous land and sea mass; and from a socio-political point of...