Getting Residency In Egypt.
Here’s how to get residency in Egypt. Yes, residency in Egypt, one of President Trump’s favorite punching bags… but, also a place where some Americans are looking to live (based on the inquires we get on this site).
I have been writing about the most popular destinations that Americans are either retiring at, or investing their hard earned money in. Places like the Caribbean, Europe, and even South America.
Today I am going to talk about a country located in a continent that is not famous for Americans retiring or investing in, but they should. Egypt is the best that Africa has to offer, and it also boasts a pretty relaxed immigration system that Americans can move through if they wish to obtain a permanent residency and an eventual citizenship.
You will find that Egypt offers very similar visa types than most of the other countries, but there is a small difference. The Egyptian government is usually slow on this process. They are not harsher or stricter, just slow when it comes to the whole immigration process.
Take work visas, for example, the conditions to apply for one are practically the same as in other countries but there is a long wait to get one. If you get it you will have to constantly renew your visa every year.
Depending on your case you get a different type of work visa, if your situation is straightforward and the company has everything in order both financially and government wise, then you can upgrade your work permit so you only renew it once every three years.
These three-year visas can also be upgraded to a five-year residence permit. There are no guidelines that will let you know what you need to switch between permits, they are left to the interpretation of the immigration officials.
The documents that you will need to show to apply for the work visa include:
- Completed Application
- A Valid Passport
- Seven Passport Sized Photographs
- Two copies of your contract
- Two copies of your Tax ID card
- Two Education based certificates, college degree, high school, etc.
- Copy of the commercial register of your employer
- A written letter from your employer detailing why he is hiring a foreigner
- Document showing approval from a relevant authority
- Sponsor from the company
- Proof of a negative HIV test
- Security clearance by the Egyptian Government
- Paid Fees
Egypt also offers a residency visa to Americans who purchase property in the country. The length of the visa depends on the cost of the property that was purchased and this may vary depending on where the house is located.
If your property is worth $100,000 dollars then you are given a one year visa, for $200,000 dollars you get a visa for a period of three years, and for $400,000 dollars this can extend to a five year period.
A five-year residence in Egypt is the best thing you can obtain, but they might be a little restrictive towards who they are given to. The list of persons that may obtain a five-year residence includes:
- Investors
- Children of Egyptian Mothers
- Children whose father was granted an Egyptian Citizenship
- Americans who are older than 60 years old and who have been living in Egypt for more than 10 years
- Spouses and Widows of Egyptians
Obtaining residency in Egypt sounds a little harder than the other countries, but it isn’t. The great thing that Egypt has that other countries don’t is an easy and clear path to citizenship if you have already been granted a residency.
A new program allows you to become a citizen of Egypt, once you have been a resident for five years, by making an investment into one of the country’s state-owned bank. The investment is also much smaller than in other countries, $390,000 dollars.
Enjoy this podcast from The Expat Money Show – JohnnyFD who talks about moving from the USA and living in Bali and Thailand.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article on Getting Residency in Egypt. If you have any questions, please contact our office HERE.
I’ve included some great articles for you to read, enjoy!
Working Abroad in Egypt as an Expat