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Offshore Tax Planning: What are the Top 5 Mistakes You Should Avoid?

Keep More of Your Hard Earned Money

The idea of using different jurisdictions to lower a company’s tax bill appeals to many. The ability to have your business, personal finances, and investments managed under one roof can help simplify life and increase efficiency while protecting savings from taxable income. However, there is a lot of misinformation about the topic of offshore tax planning. In this article, we will go over the top 5 things you should avoid if you are serious about doing offshore tax planning. Doing so could end up costing you much more than you expect.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Pay Taxes

One of the first things that people think about when it comes to offshore tax planning is taking your company’s tax bill down. While this is an important component of the process, it is by no means the only one. This is especially true when outsourcing your business. If you are only looking at lowering your tax bill, you may fall into the trap of outsourcing only to find out that you’ve lost out on huge opportunities because you’re missing out on revenues. Tax planning is all about maximizing your company’s potential and the potential of your employees. By having them work under one roof and managing their tasks more efficiently, you can both save money and provide better service.

Don’t Sell Your Services Short

One of the first things that people tend to do when they are looking to reduce their tax bill is to sell their assets short. There is a huge difference between selling assets short and simply not having the funds to pay your taxes. Offshore tax planning is about taking advantage of what you have at your disposal to gain the most out of your business. If you sell off parts of it to pay less tax, you will be making a serious mistake. The best way to do this is to simply maximize your tax efficiency by utilizing the most effective tax strategies available. Bear in mind, you will still have to pay your taxes, but you will be doing so at a far lower rate than if you sell off assets.
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Know the Difference Between Business Income and Personal Income

One of the first mistakes people make when looking to reduce their tax bill is that they assume that all income is taxable. In fact, most income is not taxable, and those who are looking to reduce their tax bill are perfectly legitimate. What is not legitimate and should be avoided is the assumption that all income is personal income. There is a huge difference between the two, and these two topics should not be confused with one another. Business income is what your company earns. This includes things like interest earned from investments, sale of goods and services, and so on. Personal income is what you make as an individual. This includes things like wages, salary, interest, dividends, and so on. When you are looking to reduce your tax bill, you should focus more on what you can do to maximize the benefits of your company’s income over what you can do for yourself.

Double Check on Your Dividends

Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to offshore tax planning is getting excited about dividends. Dividends are a great way to make money, but they are also a great way to get caught up in offshore tax planning. It is not uncommon to see people selling their shares and then immediately reinvesting the money back into the company. This, unfortunately, is a great way to get audited by the IRS. It is important to keep in mind that dividends are only income when they are distributed to shareholders. Therefore, it is possible to reinvest dividends and pay less tax on them at the same time. Double check that you are getting taxed on the right dividends. If you are not, do not reinvest them back into the company. Simply take the money and invest it somewhere else.

Be Realistic About Capital Gains Expected Returns

One of the best ways to do tax planning for offshore corporations is to set realistic expectations for capital gains. As with everything, there are cases where this is possible and others where it is not. This is an important part of the equation, but it is not the only one. You should also keep in mind that you may have to invest in order to have these gains. This may mean putting your money into an offshore corporation. This is another mistake that many people make with their tax planning. They set up the structure, expect to make money off of it, and then find out that they are being taxed on it. When it comes to offshore tax planning, you should always expect to see a zero return. This is because there is a very good chance that you will be paying lots of tax on whatever you do earn.

Final Words

Offshore tax planning is not something that you should rush into. It is crucial that you do your research, consult with professionals in the field, and make sure that you are making the best decision for your own situation. There is a lot of misinformation floating around about offshore tax planning, and it is important to avoid a lot of it. Avoiding these specific mistakes will ensure that you do not end up making mistakes that cost you a lot more than you expected.

If you are a business owner in the US or someone looking to grow their wealth, offshore tax planning is an integral component of your financial plans. Without a tax professional at your back, you’ll keep bearing economic burdens that aren’t even of your creation—it’s the consequence of living under the overbearing state system.

Our experts look forward to discussing all options you have and to provide you with all the support you need to enable you to take the right decision face to your specific needs!  Book a call today!


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