How to Work in Morocco.
Morocco is home to a lot of international companies that can hire expats. These jobs are typically found in the bigger cities, the main one being Casablanca. If you’re heading to Morocco for a new life, and you also wish to work abroad there, you’ll certainly see that there are plenty of opportunities. Just make sure you can speak either Arabic or French fluently. While Arabic is the national language in Morocco, French is the language of business. It would be difficult to find a job without knowing one of these languages, and of course, knowing both would certainly make life easier!
If you’re coming from one of the many countries whose residents don’t have to apply for a visa to visit Morocco, you can simply head over as you normally would with your valid passport. It is not required that you already have a job lined up when you get there, but considering that there are financial requirements to getting your residency card, you might want to start your search right away.
Once you’ve obtained your residency card, you’ll have to apply for a work permit if you want to hold a job abroad in Morocco. You can get this from the National Agency for the Promotion and Employment of Skills (ANAPEC). You will need your application forms, passport copies, passport-style photographs, a copy of your employment contract and copies of degrees and diplomas. The entire process for obtaining your work permit is known to take several weeks, and sometimes even months, so be prepared for the wait.
Work Visa
When you apply for residency, you will choose what type of option you prefer. This won’t change the fact that you’ll need the work permit; it simply specifies the type of visa you hold. These visas are valid for three months to start, then one year for the first renewal, and 10 years for the second renewal. This could, however, fluctuate depending on the terms of employment.
Your employer will likely submit the documentation necessary for hiring you, but if you do have to supply everything, you will have to do so at the Ministry of Employment in Rabat.
Business Visa
You can begin the process of starting your own business abroad in Morocco without a work permit. The tourist visa is enough. What you will need, however, is a negative certificate. This certificate will be used for the identification and registration of your business. Apply for it through the Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office. You’ll need your passport, a formal letter of request, and a detailed business plan to present to authorities.
Visit the Regional Tax Directorate in the Regional Investment Center with all documentation within 30 days and present them with a lease or purchase deed to register your business. Fees will depend on the type of company you’re running.
Finally, you’ll have to obtain a tax ID and license from the Regional Taxes Directorate. If you have to hire staff, the last step will be to register your company at the National Fund for Social Security Office as well.
Job Landscape
Unemployment rates in Morocco are high, at almost 10 percent, so if you want to work in this country, you should have a competitive skill set. Currently, Morocco is looking for skilled workers in technology, business management, and communications, so if you have a skill set that applies to any of these industries, you’ll have a better chance of finding work. As with most countries, Morocco will need sufficient evidence that your role cannot be filled by a Moroccan national.
If you prefer to use your English-speaking skills, there are always opportunities for teaching English as a second language. You’ll have to provide the proper certification to do this, but it is always an option.
Employment laws in Morocco are fairly modern. Here are a few good-to-know points regarding this: Morocco does not allow those over the age of 60 to work unless they are managing a business of their own. Free medical service is mandatory through any firm hiring more than 50 employees, and the workdays are a regular eight hours, but lunch breaks are typically two hours long. Most companies operate six days per week, and after six workdays, employees are entitled to a day off. Workers are also entitled to two paid holidays each month.
- Unemployment Rate: 9.9%
- Minimum Wage: 3,000 MADs per month ($310) in the public sector, 2,570 ($265) in the private sector, and 70 MAD ($7) per day for the agricultural sector
- Labor Force:
- Agriculture (39.1%)
- Industry (20.3%)
- Services (40.5%)
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