Colombia has the best record in all of Latin America in protecting foreign ownership rights. The country is open for business and foreign investors hold the same rights as national investors however foreigners do face some restrictions in the television, radio and movie industries as well as shipping, maritime agencies and national airlines.
Foreign investment policy is generated by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism working in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. Polices governing foreign investment are governed by Resolution 21 of the Directors from the Central Bank, CONPES Resolutions 51, 52, and 53, Law 9 of 1991 and Decree 2080 of 2000.
Foreign ownership is an extremely complex and detailed topic and it is strongly recommended that you seek the help of professionals, accountants and lawyers to negotiate your way through these rules and regulations. For more information please contact
The nature and the complexity are beyond the scope of this article. For a more in depth overview of this topic it is recommended that you view this link :
editor’s note – the lead photo is of the UN building in Geneva, Switzerland