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Colombia is the Answer !

Colombia is the Answer !

Colombians are fiercely proud of their country and so they should be. They have  suffered through a long standing civil war that has lasted over 50 years and they endured terrible domestic terrorism  at the hands of the various drug cartels.   It is difficult to imagine that it was not so long ago when the residents of Medellin were uncertain when they left home in the morning if they would return in the evening.  The general populace suffered a great injustice at the hands of their own people, so imagine their pride when only 20 years later Medellin is named the most innovative city in the world.

Just recently the Government of Colombia has launched a new program, titled ”Colombia is the Answer”.

Did you know that :

1) Colombia is the 7th country in the world with the most water resources ?

2) one of the top 5 most biodiverse countries in the world is Colombia ?

3) there are over 65 different ecosystems in Colombia ?

4) Colombia has direct access to over 180 markets worldwide ?

5) foreign investment in Colombia has tripled in 10 years ?

6) Colombia exports flowers to 89 countries ?

7) the largest most skilled workforce in Latin America is  in Colombia ?

8) Colombia stands as one of the top 5 countries in the world in protecting foreign investment ?

9) there are over 700 fairs and festivals in Colombia every year ?

10) in Colombia there are over 70 kinds of Indigenous music that has not descended from colonists or migrants ?

The Government of Colombia states that one direct job and at least 2 indirect jobs are created for every 20 tourists that a destination receives. As a result they have committed over $200,000,000 USD for tourism infrastructure projects.  Approximately 90% of the destinations that are being developed are in non-capital cities.  As a result, increased tourism in these area will improve the quality of life of the local residents and start to provide a stable income.

Colombia is an amazing country with excellent resources, beautiful landscapes and wonderful people.  The ”only risk is not wanting to leave”.



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