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Biking Beijing

If you would have told me, soon after I arrived in Beijing, that I’d ride a bike through the...

I Did Not Have Much Time for Fun

One evening late last year, my husband, our three teen children and I found ourselves trudging up a mountain...

Trouble in Quito

In July 2021, I was happily commuting into central London, spending my days complaining about all the tourists, the crowded tube, and the ever-increasing cost of a glass of wine. 

Top 10 Countries With The Best Public Transit Systems

Traveling overseas can be exciting but nothing disappoints like getting to a country where the local transport systems don’t...

20 Reasons Not to Move to Dubai (In No Particular Order)

Living in Dubai is not wonderful and glamorous, as many would have you believe. Forget about what you’ve read, seen, and heard; those shiny buildings and man-made islands are all just smoke and mirrors. There are so many things wrong with this place that I have decided to compile a list, a must-read if you are considering a potential move to Dubai.