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Cali Colombia – Basic City Guide

Cali, with a population of approximately 2.5 million, is located in the department (state) of the Valle de Cauca which is situated in the Southwest part of Colombia.

How to get there  :

By Air :

Alfonso Bonilla Aragon-Aerocali.  Located in Palmira, 15 km from the city centre of Cali.   Telephone (2) 280 15 15. At the time of this writing the website had a hidden trojan infection !

By Ground :

Terminal de Transportes de Cali – Cali Terminal – Cra.30N 2 AN-29. Telephone (2) 668 36 55.

It is possible to get a shuttle bus from the airport to the terminal for 5.000 COP (2013).  The cue is just outside the exit doors of the airport.  There are at least two services – the blue ”Link” bus or the ”Rapido Aeropuerto”.

Bus Transportation :

MIO (Masivo Integrado de Occidente) is the mass transit system of Cali. Telephone (2) 660 00 01 . The system operates from 5 a.m. to 11p.m. 

Taxis :

Taxis in Cali are regulated by a taxi meter. It is always better to call a known taxi service than to hail one in the street.

Police :

The Metropolitan Police of Cali – Cll.21, No.1N-65. Telephone (2) 882 61 00

Emergency : dial – 123


Fundacion Valle del Lili – Av. Simon Bolivar. Cra 98 # 18-49.  Telephone (2) 331 9090

Clinica Santiago de Cali – Av. 4N No. 21N-54. Telephone (2) 392 14 14

Hospitla Universitario del Valle – Cll. 5 No. 36-08  (2) 620 60 00  – 620 62 75

Orientation :

The calles and carreras are organized with an alfanumeric system. The numbering of the calles diminishes as you move north and augment as you move south.  The carreras diminish as you move west and increase as you move east.  From the north, south, east and west you can view the hill of the Three Crosses. This is located in the Northwest part of the city.

The main roadways are Avenida Colomba, Avenida 6, Calle Quinta. From East to West, there is Avenida Guadalupe, Carrera 39 and Carrera 44.

Road distances from Cali to other cities :

Bogota  – 468 km

Cartagena – 1099 km

Medellin – 399 km

Pasto – 384 km


Cali is hot. The mean average temperatures may be 23 C with a range of 18 C to 30 C but this city is hot no matter how you look at it.

Please note:

1) The area code in Cali is (2) so it is not necessary to dial it  with the numbers listed above if you are in the city or local area.

2) While EscapeArtist Colombia does its best to maintain the above information as a customer service, we do not take responsibility for information being outdated or incorrect for the Cali Colombia Basic City Guide



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