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By Roma Panganiban

Comparing Teak to Alternative Hardwoods

Comparing Teak to Alternative Hardwoods Teak is highly prized around the world for its multiple uses. It is a popular...

Essential Teak Terms to Know

Anyone looking to invest in teak should know what they’re getting into and part of that is understanding the...

Dispelling the Myth of “Teak Oil”

Dispelling the Myth of “Teak Oil” New furniture is always a big purchase, and choosing the right pieces for your...

Illegal Myanmar Teak Imports Infiltrate European Market

Just months after the announcement came that Myanmar would be enacting a nationwide ban on logging in its teak...

An Ethical Alternative to “Conflict Teak”

Teak trees have numerous benefits worth extolling. Teak lumber is sturdy, resistant to both moisture and fungal rot, and...

Investing in Teak: A Smart Decision at Any Age

Investing is, by nature, a long-term proposition. The opposite of a get-rich-quick scheme, smart investment promises the potential to...

On My Plate in Nicaragua: School Lunch, Upgraded

I work in a pretty standard office setting in Managua, the capital city of Nicaragua; as in so many...

Navigating a Country Where the Streets Have No Name

My first clue at the topsy-turvy nature of the Nicaraguan address system should have been what I was told...

An East Coast Girl Takes on the Pacific Ocean

It’s a rite of passage where I’m from to go “down the shore” for the weekend after senior prom....

Get to Know Saint Kitts & Nevis: Living, Playing, Investing

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is a single nation comprised of two islands, though its official name...