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Top 9 Study Abroad Destinations for U.S. Students

Top 9 Study Abroad Destinations for U.S. Students

Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity for every student because only abroad can you experience true freedom, meet unique people representing every possible culture, exchange experience with people from these cultures, and see the world. Some may say that it’s much easier to just go to a foreign country as a tourist, and they would be right, but never will you be able to explore the foreign country the way you would be an international student. So what are the best places to study abroad for U.S. students?


1. Costa Rica

With its lush rainforests, Costa Rica is one of the best tourist destinations out there – it’s beautiful and relatively cheap, so you can easily afford to stay there. The University of Costa Rica currently enrolls more than 40,000 students, so you can apply too and get to study in this tropical paradise. If you wonder where to study abroad, this might just be one of the first destinations to consider.


2. Australia

Australia needs no introduction, right? A huge English-speaking continent that is kinda similar to the U.S. in terms of its history and culture, so you are going to feel at home studying in Australia. Nowadays, the country is a huge international student hub with people from around the globe coming there to study. Do your research, but let me tell you, this is one of the best places to go for the U.S. student!


3. China

If you are an adventurer ready to go to a country that is entirely different from anything you’ve seen in the U.S. and if you are somewhat prepared to dive into the society with an entirely different worldview, China is for you. The economy of the country is highly developed, so you’ll have to pay a hefty sum for rent and basic needs, but if you are okay with that, go for it. Also, be prepared to study really hard because Chinese universities are known for being demanding, so write all of your paper work and do all of your homework on time.


4. Ireland

One of the most beautiful countries on our list – Ireland, is one of the best places to study abroad in Europe. This country is known for its cozy pubs, beautiful landscapes, and old universities. Here, you will need to pay some real attention to your research papers and all the homework because these universities take pride in their image. You can always use services like Edubirdie and pay for a research paper to have an example of what a good paper should really look like. This wonderful country offers you many options for quality education, so if you get a diploma from, say, Dublin University, you’d be a welcome applicant at any job interview.


5. Germany

Germany has been one of the most popular destinations for those who want to study abroad in Europe. German universities are known for being extremely demanding to the students. Also, you will need at least rudimentary knowledge of German since it is nearly impossible to study and live in this country without knowing the language. Places like the University of Munich offer educational programs for international students, so you can learn the language really fast but you’ll have to work hard to succeed. If you are up to the challenge – go for it.


6. France

France is home to one of Europe’s oldest universities – Sorbonne, so you can say it has a long tradition. Sorbonne was founded back in 1257, which is just crazy when you think about it and Paris is one of the best cities to study abroad. They say Paris is more than just a city, and if you ever go there, you’ll see what they mean. Studying in Paris is the experience like no other, and trust me, you want to study there if you have what it takes.


7. Spain

Around 30,000 American students go to Spain for education every year, which makes this country one of the most popular destinations for U.S. students worldwide. If you go there, you are sure to meet a lot of your countrymen there, so you’ll not feel alone in Spain. This is also one of the most beautiful countries in the world which means that studying there is not only good for your future, it is also something you can enjoy in the present. The University of Barcelona is also one of the oldest in the world, so it has a rich tradition and a good reputation too.


8. Italy

This is the kind of destination you’d usually see on travel websites but it is also one of the top destinations for American students. This country is not only crazy beautiful, but it also has a long-lasting academic tradition. Just think about for a moment, the University of Bologna was founded back in 1088! This country has been a paragon of enlightenment and education for thousands of years, so what can be more exciting than studying there? Eat some tasty foods, write some papers, and speak fast – this is Italy!


9. United Kingdom

This is the most popular destination for American students worldwide, with nearly 40,000 of them coming to study in the U.K. each year. This is an English-speaking country, so you’ll be totally fine there. This country has a rich culture and some of the best universities on the planet. An Oxford diploma is like a golden ticket to almost any company you’d ever want to apply for in the future, so it is highly recommended that you study there. If you want your education abroad to be most comfortable in terms of cultural adaptation, the U.K. is the most obvious pick for you.



So, when the questions of where and how to study abroad arise, you need to pay attention to many options. There are many beautiful countries around the world, and all of them have something to offer for the students eager to explore the world. Studying in Europe might be the best idea because that way you’ll get to travel to almost every European country during your breaks. Go ahead, explore the options you have and make your choice.



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