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Getting Residency In Croatia

Getting Residency In Croatia

One country in Europe that has maintained the aesthetic of the Old World without sacrificing beauty and culture is Croatia. Croatia may not be a famous spot for Americans, but it definitely should.  Let’s talk about getting residency in Croatia. 

The beaches of Croatia are something that has to be seen to be believed. What is so great about Croatia is that the country has not been contaminated so much by Western Culture and modern technology, and because of this reason I think you should consider Croatia as the place to retire in or spend some time and dig in.

A few Americans have already started to create Expat communities in the country and I expect the numbers to grow exponentially in the future. Luckily for these and future communities Croatia has an easy to navigate the immigration system.

The immigration system in Croatia is designed to welcome foreigners into the country with a number of ways in which anybody can obtain residency in the country. Although it is easy to get a residency in Croatia, as opposed to other countries I have written about it is not cheap.

One of the great things about living in Croatia is that if you become a resident and an eventual citizen you will get to enjoy all of the benefits that living in a country that is part of the European Union entails.

Even though Croatia is relatively new to the European Union becoming part just 6 years ago its residents and citizens still get to travel freely between countries, invest in other jurisdictions, and many other perks.

The first step in obtaining in become a permanent resident or a citizen of Croatia is to apply for the temporary residency visa. The process for this visa lasts an approximate 30 days, but there are some requirements that need to be attached to the application.

First of all, there needs to be a reason behind the application. You can become a temporary resident through a job offer, if you are getting married to a Croatian national or having a child with one, studying in the country, doing scientific research, etc.

Once you have lived for five years as a temporary resident you may apply for a permanent residency. If you are a student or volunteer then you do not qualify. The requirements needed to apply for permanent residency include:

  • A written statement of why you want to become a resident of Croatia
  • Passport-sized photograph
  • Copy of your passport
  • Proof of good financial standing and means
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of knowledge and understanding of the Croatian language
  • Birth Certificate
  • Marriage Certificate, if applicable

Via a Temporary Resident Visa is just of the ways in which you can become a Permanent Resident. Another way in which you can obtain one is by starting a company in Croatia or investing in the country.

You can obtain a Business visa by starting a business in the country or by becoming the leading director of a company. The visa needs to be renewed every year but is duration does not have an end.

An Investment Visa in Croatia is a little harder to get than in other countries. Not necessarily because there are more requirements or is more expensive, but because there needs to be a study done to prove that your investment is creating jobs and having a significant impact on the economy.

Besides the study, you will be interviewed about your business and what are your plans for the future of your company. The great thing about the investment visa is that the investment does not have to be in a specific field and that an investment in Croatia is the fastest way you can become a citizen.

Croatia recognizes dual citizenship which means that you are allowed to keep your American passport. The requirements to become a citizen include:

  • Be 18 or older
  • Proof of residence in Croatia
  • Proof of knowledge of the Croatian language
  • Have an understanding of Croatian Culture

These are just some of the requirements along with the documents that I previously mentioned that will be asked of you when you applied for a permanent residency. Of course, if you get married to a Croatian national you become an automatic citizen and do not have to present the requirements listed above.

I hope you’ve found this article on how to get residency in Croatia to be helpful. For more information, or for assistance with residency in Croatia or elsewhere, please contact us HERE

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