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Visiting Venice? How to Get to Venice from Marco Polo Airport

Visiting Venice? How to Get to Venice from Marco Polo Airport

Upon arriving in Venice at Marco Polo Airport, with such a vast number of visitors coming here, it is important to understand how best to get around Venice. It is especially important to know your best options for how to arrive from the airport to your accommodation. Regardless, there are multiple transportation means available for both locals and tourists, as the demand is a continuously growing one. Those staying in Venice itself, the choice is a pretty straightforward one. In this case, you can either choose to arrive by water or to have a trip on a land bus. But more about the Venice transportation system, below.


Get Those Smart Apps in Advance

When visiting foreign countries, it’s always a great idea to download various types of apps that might help you get around your destination easier, including dictionary apps. Always consider downloading an app that will make your task of getting around the city easier. A good addition to your online library would be an app to help you connect with the locals for help getting around in Venice. These apps are, in fact, quite useful, as they can get you in touch with a local, committed to share their tips and knowledge with tourists. If your airline company has an app, make sure to download it as well. This will help you check in easier when the time comes. Map apps are great additions as well. While you will always find a friendly local willing to guide you around Venice, having your own resources is always helpful.

Visiting Venice This is How to3When You Arrive

Like most of the tourists that come here, you will most probably land on the Marco Polo airport. From here, you can visit Venice by using the canals, with the Alilaguna or more commonly-known water taxi, or you can consider getting around by land, which allows you to use public buses or land taxies. Now, depending on what you want, pick one of these based on time and budget. If you want to make a glamorous entrance in Venice when arriving at the airport, then go for the water taxi option. Some travelers book their tickets for the water taxi in advance and stop by the desk at the arrival terminal for their bus voucher. If you can’t manage to do this, simply go to the docks and buy a ticket from there. Getting on the waterfront from there is pretty straightforward, as there are plenty of signs and indicators that will make your journey easier and more approachable.

In this scenario, the boat driver aims to help you get as close as possible to your accommodation. Obviously, the prices vary depending on the distance, the company booked, and even on the hour of the day. At night, the prices are understandably higher than during the day. Experts recommend to always book your water transportation in advance. There are several reliable directories where you can do so, Venicelink being one of those. While this may not be the most affordable method to get around Venice (the usual cost of a ride like this being situated above $100) it’s worth the sacrifice. The view and atmosphere are joyful and relaxed, and you get to make contact with the local culture and customs. It’s like a crash course for tourists. Alternatively, you could opt for a shared taxi or shuttle. This will help you decrease the costs usually associated with renting a private water taxi but will also offer you the opportunity to see more of this stunning city while the taxi leaves or picks up the others you share your rides with.

Of course, you also have the option to get to Venice by land, using a taxi or a bus.

Visiting Venice This is How to3Getting Around Venice

Getting around Venice will certainly be easier if you ask for local’s advice, and one thing that they seem to agree on is that the cheapest transportation method by land. The Piazzale Roma can be reached by a bus; from there, you will have to take a Vaporetto. Of course, you can walk to your hotel and enjoy some of the stunning sights of Venice. The bus you want to look for is the ACTV bus, and if you take the airport bus, search for the ATVO airport express buses. These will leave you directly to Piazzale Roma. The fees for bus rides are significantly friendlier than those for water taxis. Children under four, for instance, can ride for free in ACTV buses. A one-way ticket for adults is around 8 euros, while a two-way ticket is 15 euros. Tickets can be found both online and around Venice, at ticket offices and luggage claims at the airport, and ticket machines scattered around the city.

Water transportation is another good method if you want to have a taste of the traditional lifestyle of the locals. But, unlike in other cities around the world, you can’t simply hail for a taxi and have them pick you up. In Venice, water taxis wait for passengers at specific docking sites on the Grand Canal. Alternatively, you can wait for yours at a specific place, previously discussed with the “driver” or company. Be careful, as lengthy rides will cost you some money.

Visiting Venice This is How to3If you want an even more “touristy” experience, consider the traghetto, a flat boat similar to a gondola. However, it is currently used to help tourists and locals cross the Grand Canal. The traghetto has low fees, 2 euros, more specifically. The ride is a short one. Unfortunately, sometimes the schedule is a bit hectic.

While the public transportation system in Venice is rather complicated, the help of a useful Venice travel apps and reading tips about how to get from Marco Polo Airport to Venice will make your arrival easier and your time spent in the mesmerizing city of Venice a unique and pleasant one. Follow these tips and enjoy your first time in Venice!

I hope you enjoyed reading: Visiting Venice? How to Get to Venice from Marco Polo Airport.  If you would like additional information, please contact our office HERE. I’ve also added some articles that I know you will love!

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