Cartagena Taxi Fares
Cartagena Taxi Fares are a mystery for many as the taxis do not have taxi meters. The fares are set every year by the city – ”Alcadia” and are established by zones. For example if you are going from Manga to El Centro the fare is 5.000 COP. If you want to go to El Cabrero, just on the other side of the old city – probably 5.600 COP and to Crespo 6.500 COP. It is worthwhile to have a reasonable idea of what you will have to pay or it is easy to become ”Papaya” – or in other words, have a driver take advantage of you. The drivers should have a rate card in the vehicle but many don’t. Generally the rates for short distances are non negotiable but for longer distances you might be able to lower the price.
If you arrive at the airport there is a taxi stand and when you tell them where you are going they will generate a ”statement” which will tell you how much you have to pay. This will be slightly more than you would pay on the street but well worth it. For example, the fare from the airport to Bocagrande is 16.000 COP. In 2004, before the taxi stand existed, I was charged 20.000 COP to go to Bocagrande.
2013 Rates from the airport to :
- El Centro – 8.500
- Santa Clara Hotel – 10.500
- Charleston Hotel – 10.500
- Las Americas – 10.500
- Manga – 12.000
- Bocagrande/Castillogrande/El Laguito – 16.000
The 2013 rates from the ” Muelle Touristica” – or the Cruise Ship Terminal are:
- El Centro – 12.000 COP
- El Castillo de San Felipe – 12.000 COP
- Bocagrande – 16.000 COP
The hourly rate is 22.000 COP
I hope this article on Cartagena Taxi Fares helps while you are visiting. If you need further information about Colombia, please contact our office HERE. Additionally, I would like to offer you some great reading material on Colombia and her amazing cities.
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